Taking part in the IndieWeb - Calum Ryan
- back in the late 90s
- things like geocities were the best free way to put content onto the internet
- lovely things like
- marques
- the time
- a ring of links to other sites
- "beautiful" images
- then things like myspace
- Tom was everyone's friend
- One page for everything you wanted to put up
- A good learning ground for some basic HTML/CSS
- about 2005
- putting our content into hosting arrangements where you don't actually own the space
- mega silos
- pretty much anybody with a login could access your content
- the content host claims ownership of your content
- nothing you can do if they go down, content is just lost
- why do people use these thing?
- free
- very simple interface to make it accessible
- declining interest in having your own website
- other things are just easier
- interconnectivity
- enter IndieWebCamp
- working on an open source platform, a wiki for how to keep your data a bit safer
- better solutions to publish content and host your own data
- IndieWebCamp != ind.ie
- key goals for IndieWebCamp
- your content is yours - when you post something on the web, it should be yours
- be better connected - should go to all services (that you want)
- content is hosted by you, then linked to on the favorite silo of the day
- you are in control - post how, and when, you want, links are permanent
- IndieWebify.Me - how indie web is your website?
- how do I Indie Web?
- get a domain
- choose your hosting
- advise paid-for
- GitHub pages is a good free option
- Known - free with some paid features (or host yourself)
- identify who you are (
attribute on social links)
- microformats for articles, people, places
- POSSE (Post on your Own Site first, then Syndicate Elsewhere)
- @webmentions
- notify another URL when you link to it on your site (superseded pingback)
- first W3C working draft 12th Jan
- Bridgy
- build a better experience than the silos
- one example: using [twillio API] to text content to your website, then syndicated to twitter
- come along to IndieWebCamp camps or fortnightly events
- get involved!
The Miracle of Generators Generators are dashed jolly spiffy - Bodil Stokke
slides available on bodil.lol
- iterators
- for going over a collection, instead of strictly arrays
i = ponises.values(); i.next(); {"value: "next value", "done": true/false}
for (let i of ponies)
- symbols
ponies = {
[Symbol.iterator]: () => {
let c = 0;
return {
next: () => {
c += 1;
if (c === 1) return {value: "foo", done: false};
else if (c === 2) return {value: "bar", done: false};
return {done: true};
- you can do nice things like an infinity iterator, a counter that counts forever (you don't need a fixed array)
- lazy loading array as values are only evaluated when
is called
- can wrap an iterator around an iterator
- can change the order or wrapping without issue, end up like a lazy sequence library
- end up quite like closure
infinity = function*() {
let c = 0;
white (true) {
yield c++;
- function will pause at execution of
until the .next()
is called again
- will end up with infinite potential to as many as you need without the worry of an infinite loop
fiveup = function*() P
let c = 0;
while (true) {
c = yield c;
c = c + 5;
i = fiveup();
i.next() // 0
i.next() // 5
i.next(20) // 25
Promises with generators
unit = v => new Promise((res) => res(v));
promises = function*() {
console.log(yield unit('omg'));
console.log(yield unit('wtf'));
console.log(yield unit('bbq'));
// iterate over a series of resolved promises
run = (iter, val = null)) => {
const next = iter.next(val);
if (!next.done) {
next.value.then(result => run(iter, result));
- you can write synchronous looking code to do decidedly async things
- returning from a generator gives a value with the final
{done: true}
fetchText = function*(url) {
return yield (yield fetch(url)).text();
// Type checking for JS
maybe = (val) => ({
then: (fn) => val != null ? fn(val) : null;
prop = (key, obj) => maybe(obj[key]);
things = function*() {
const dash = yield prop('dash', ponies);
const pie = yield pprop('pie', ponies);
return dash + 'is friends with' + pie;
can hide away the promise .then
chains and just deal with values
- this is a Monad (kind of like a cute puppy in a burrito)
- Promises are totally Monads
- jQuery, 2005 (11 years ago)
is function-scoped, let
is block-scoped
function foo ({name, colour}) {
console.log(name + ' likes ' + colour);
foo({name: 'Callum', colour: 'orange'});
// jQuery
// Vanilla
let users = document.querySelectorAll('.selector')
for (let user of users) {
user.nextElementSibling / previousElementSibling / parentElementSibling
user.textContent // not innerText
$user.css('background-color', '#000')
user.style.backgroundColor = '#000'
$(document).on('click', '.user', function() {
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target.matches('.user')) {
// plus lots of other options
options = $.extend({
foo: 'bar'
}, options)
foo: 'bar'
}, options)
- jQuery animations vs CSS transitions and requestAnimationFrame
- A lot of this isn't in browser yet, as it's ES6
But when would you want to use jQuery?
- Old IE, IE8 pretty much requires it
- checkout caniuse.com and plug in your analytics data to see what your user-base supports
- low barrier to entry, juniors and backend devs can write it easily
- there are a LOT of libraries for it, often the ones you want depend on it
- 110 browser quirks fixed by jQuery in modern browsers
More ES6
- ES6 Classes, syntax sugar around what we've got already
- ES2015? because they'll be doing smaller, yearly releases of JS
- ES2016 will be coming soon...
- Everything jQuery does, can be done without it
- it can make your life a lot easier though
- Babel adds less bytes than jQuery
- jNearly, coming to a browser near you