
Accessibility and how to get the most out of your screenreader

Accessibility and how to get the most out of your screenreader - Edd Sowden

What even is a table? A quick look at accessibility APIs

  • should work for everyone
    • big screens
    • small screens
    • fast computers
    • slow computers
    • crappy library computers
  • large data tables on small screens
    • don't really work
    • try adding overflow: scroll?
      • DON'T
      • table loses all context in the screenreader
      • add it to a wrapper div
  • but what affect does blank this have on screen readers?
    • only way to know is to try it
  • there's voice over options you can enable baked in to OS X

Fixing the mobile table

  • try <table role="table">
  • enable the Accessibility options for chrome dev-tools (experimental)

Accessibility API

  • 4 parts
    • role
    • name
    • state
    • children
  • browser builds up an accessibility tree and hands it over to the API
  • on OS X you can view the full accessibility tree for what sits under your mouse
    • Xcode > Accessibility inspector

The minimum viable table

  • just a single sell on its own
  • in all browsers, isn't read as a table (or "not interesting")
  • browsers have heuristics in them to protect screen reader users from table layout-websites
  • two rows, two cells each
    • only IE recognises it
  • 20 rows
    • accepted by all
  • add a table summary
    • all but IE accept it
  • add a table heading
    • all browsers now still read it as a table
  • display: block
    • only IE accepts it as a table
    • add border-bottom to cells
      • table
    • add background-color to cells
      • table again
      • collapse the border
        • no longer a table
    • is it "zebra-striped"? Then definitely a table!

But what does this all mean?

  • don't just rely on valid HTML
  • the only thing you can do is listen to your website
  • don't try and redefine what your elements are